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Videos in English


ABC News/Youtube:

Japan's custody laws criticised for incentivising child abduction - 2023 July 23rd


Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ)/Youtube:

Omura, Anonymous Plaintiff A and Henderson: Parental Abduction - class-action lawsuit - 2020 February 26th


EU Parliament - Petitions Committee:

Petitions against child abduction to/in Japan - 2020 February 19th


Deutsche Welle:

Parental Abduction - A Father Fights for his Rights - 2019 September 1st


Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ)/Youtube:

Ueno, Odagiri, Perina and Fichot: Japan's Child Abduction Issue - 2018 December 20th


United Nations/Youtube:

Shun Fujiki - 39th UN Human Rights Council "Domestic Child Abduction in Japan" - 2018 September 18th



Aiko Hassett - Abduction - Testimony of an abducted child - 2015 April 27th



Glen Gebhard - Victims of another war - The Aftermath of Parental Alienation - 2015 April 27th


Articles in English


The Age:

Australia escalates diplomatic campaign against Japanese child abductions - 2023 August 5th


ABC News:

Japan's sole custody laws have been criticised for incentivising child abduction, but the system may be about to change - 2023 July 20th


Helsingin Sanomat:

Disappering Children - 2022 January 5th


The Age:

‘Emotions are running high’: Japan and Australia face off over child abductions - 2021 December 14th

and the revealing response in Australian Media by the Japanese Ambassador denying the abductions


The Sydney Morning Herald:

Japan’s Ambassador to Australia defends child custody laws - 2021 December 17th


The Sydney Morning Herald:

Their children were taken. Now they fight Japanese laws to get them back - 2021 August 14th


The Sydney Morning Herald:

The 'heartbreaking' international child abductions tearing families apart - 2020 February 21st


The New Zealand Herald:

Australian dad Scott McIntyre's 45 days of hell in Japan's most notorious detention centres - 2020 January 18th



Australian man freed in Japan after trespassing to find his children - 2020 January 15th


The Guardian:

Former SBS reporter Scott McIntyre arrested in Japan, reportedly over search for his children - 2019 December 19th



Japan rules against divorced parents seeking access to children - 2019 November 22nd


The Orange County Register:

A decade later, Santa Ana dad still fights for his son's return from Japan - 2019 August 29th


Washington Post:

Parental Child Abduction becomes a diplomatic embarrassment for Japan ahead of G-7 - 2019 August 22nd


Asia Times:

Tragedy of children abducted from dads and taken to Japan - 2019 January 16th



Canadian fights to see son in Japan, where legal system leaves many parents behind - 2018 December 27th


The Epoch Time:

Bring our children home: US urged to use legal powers to return abductees - 2018 December 12th


Yahoo News:

Foreign parents fight in vain for custody in Japan - 2018 October 23rd


Japan Times:

Protect Children in Custody Battles - 2018 October 6th


U.S. cites Japan for noncompliance with Hague treaty on cross-border parental child abductions - 2018 May 18th


Japan’s Supreme Court hands down a road map for parental child abductions - 2017 December 31st


Three years after Japan signed Hague, parents who abduct still win - 2017 May 1st


Two years after Japan signed Hague, children have been returned but old issues remain - 2016 April 16th


The Japan News by Yomiuri Shimbun:

Better Child Custody Enforcement Urged - 2018 October 5th


Nikkei News:

Parental Child Abduction Places Japan on Blacklist - 2018 September 1st


United Nations:

United Nations General Assembly - Human Rights Council - Current Situation of Child Abduction in Japan - 2018 August 31st


South China Morning Post:

Is Japan a haven for parents who kidnap their own children? - 2018 July 15th


Bolan Times International:

Parental Child Abductions are becoming a serious human rights violation in Japan? - 2018 June 29th

Asahi Shimbun:

Custody Rulings to be easier to enforce under advised changes - 2018 April 27th


VOA News:

International Child Abduction Draw Outcry on Capital Hill - 2018 April 24th


USA Today:

Lawmaker: U.S. needs to pressure Japan to comply with international child abduction laws - 2018 April 11th


Shingetsu News Agency:

Japan Failing to Meet Commitments Regarding Parental Abduction - 2018 April 2nd


Washington Post:

Japan signed abduction treaty but for ‘left-behind’ parents that doesn’t mean much - 2017 July 16th









Videos in German



Seine Kinder wurden entführt - Der Fall wird zum Justizskandal - 2021 September 12th


Deutsche Welle:

Entführt nach Japan: Vater kämpft um Kinder - 2019 August 31st


ARD - Report München:

Entführt von der eigenen Mutter - Wie ein verzweifelter Vater seine Kinder in Japan sucht - 2019 August 6th


ARD - Brisant:

Kindesentziehung - Japan missachtet Abkommen - 2019 August 6th


Deutsche Welle:

Kindesentziehung - Japan missachtet Abkommen - 2019 July 17th


Sat. 1:

Unfassbar: Kindesentführung mit Ansage - 2019 July 3rd



SWR Nachcafé - Liebe auf dem Prüfstand, Child Abduction to Japan - 2018 November 9th



37° - Nicht ohne meine Kinder - 2018 October 9th



Warum internationale Abkommen über Kindesentzug nicht funktionieren - 2017 May 10th


Articles in German


Bild am Sonntag:

Ich habe meine Söhne seit 7 Jahre nicht gesehen - 2024 January 14th


Süddeutsche Zeitung:

Vater ohne Kinder - 2020 October 1st


Neues Deutschland:

Kinderrecht vertrödelt - 2020 July 13th


Augsburger Allgemeine:

Björn Echternach will seine entführten Söhne zurück - 2020 June 11th


Die Rheinpfalz:

Kindesentführung: Wo sind Karl und Johann? - 2020 June 8th



Herr Echternach gibt nicht auf - 2020 June 1st


Bayerisches Fernsehen:

Entführt von der eigenen Mutter - Wie ein verzweifelter Vater seine Kinder in Japan sucht - 2019 August 6th


Deutsche Welle:

Kampf um nach Japan entführte Kinder - 2019 July 26th


Neue Züricher Zeitung (NZZ):

Warum es bei Ehen mit einer japanischen Partnerin immer wieder zu Entführungen von Kindern nach Japan kommt - 2019 July 7th


Frankfurter Rundschau:

Entführungen in Japan: Das Kind ist einfach weg - 2019 June 17th


Berliner Zeitung:

Kein Lebenszeichen: Wie ein Berliner Vater um seine entführten Söhne kämpft - 2019 June 17th


Die Rheinpfalz:

Jährlich 150.000 Kindesentführungen nach Japan - 2019 June 2nd


Augsburger Allgemeine:

Wie ein Nördlinger um seine zwei entführten Kinder kämpft - 2019 June 1st


Sueddeutsche Zeitung:

Wenig Mitleid für verlassene Väter - 2018 November 26th



Meine Exfrau sabotiert jeden Kontaktversuch zur Tochter - 2018 November 9th



Kampf um Sorgerecht in Japan - Herr Echternach vermisst seine Kinder - 2018 Februar 3rd


Videos in French


France 2/Youtube:

Enlèvement parental : leur enfant a été kidnappé au Japon - Ça commence aujourd'hui - 2019 September 13th


France 2/Youtube:

Envoyé Spécial - Japon, les enfant kidnappès (English subtitles) - 2019 March 21th


Hearing in the French Senate/Asahi TV:

5 years since accession "The Hague treaty" gathering accusations from the international community - 2019 March 8th


French Senate/Youtube:

Table ronde Enfants Franco-Japonais au centre d’un conflit parental Où en est-on cinq ans après la ratification de la convention de La Haye? - 2019 March 11th


Articles in French


Le Monde:

Au Japon, le drame des parents privés de leurs enfants après une séparation - 2020 January 17th


Le Parisien:

Enlèvements internationaux d’enfants: 150.000 cas au Japon chaque année - 2019 August 17th


La Croix:

Le drame des enfants enlevés au Japon porté à l’ONU - 2019 August 13th


Le Figaro:

Enlèvements d'enfants au Japon lors de séparations : requête auprès de l'ONU - 2019 August 12th



La détresse des parents privés de leurs enfants enlevés au Japon - 2019 March 14th



Enlèvements d'enfants au Japon lors de séparations : requête auprès de l'ONU - 2019 14th



La détresse des parents privés de leurs enfants enlevés au Japon - 2019 March 14th



Enfants confisqués au August Japon: Le calvaire des parents francais - 2019 March 10th



Au Japon, de nombreux parents kidnappent leurs enfants en toute impunité - 2019 January 2nd


Le Télégramme:

Japon: Le combat de Francais pour retrouver leur enfant enlevé - 2018 December 13th


La Croix:

Enlèvements d'enfants par un parent japonais: la justice entravée - 2018 October 23rd


La Libération:

Japon: enfants confisqués, parents abandonnés - 2018 January 29th


Articles in Italian


Sky TG24/Youtube:

Children abducted in Japan, still nothing changes (Italian with English subtitles) - 2018 October 7th


Le Iene:

In Giappone 'rapire' i nostri figli non è reato - 2018 July 26th


La Stampa:

La battaglia di 7 papà: “In Giappone cancellati i nostri diritti sui figli” - 2017 December 24th



Giappone: separazioni e bambini contesi, il caso di Gianluca Sarais - 2018 January 28th








International Articles

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