​Current Situation
Every year thousands of children are abducted by a Japanese parents living outside Japan and returning illegally to Japan with the kids.

What can left behind parents do?
The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction concluded in 1980 should regulate the repatriation of abducted children taken to Japan - theoretically.
Repatriation of children from Japan back home?
Unfortunately, currently no kid has been repatriated by the Japanese authorities by enforcement. Only a few children were repatriated if the abducting parent voluntarily came back to the initial country.
Visitation rights granted in Japanese Family Courts are consequently ignored and the contact between the abducted children and their left behind parents is completely cut off. Japan does not even act non-compliant with the Hague Convention but also with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The CRC stated that children have the right of both parents. Japan has ratified the UNCRC convention in 1994, still it does not grant children who are abducted to/in Japan both parents.

​Join Forces on EU Level
Left behind parents in the European Union should join forces to ease the traumatizing effects and consequences for their abducted kids. Let us support each other. Please contact us today!